Take the Hype out of Customer Experience Mantras
It sounds so easy At a recent Customer Experience Conference many of the “key notes” and exemplar speakers were from glamourous...
Customers “Get” What You Measure
Human Behaviour 101 “You get what you measure”, is among the oldest sayings in business. Unfortunately, numerous traditional measures...
The Trust V Risk Dilemma in Customer Process Design
Customer Experience Design is Addictive Being a customer experience designer is addictive and all pervasive. Once you understand and...
Digital Customer Experiences Hits and Misses
Are all digital experiences by definition better? Business and government seem addicted to “digitising everything”. Currently, all our...
Top 10 Take-aways from the CCO Forum
What we learnt at the Chief Customer Officer Forum The Chief Customer Officer Forum is an “invitation-only un- conference” that we have...
The Unexpected Impacts of Digital, Bots and Chatbots
The predictable but unexpected impact of digital, bots and chat bots Digital channels have grown exponentially in the last fifteen...